Do You Want To Study at Dynamic Online Bible Institute?

At Dynamic Online Bible Institute, we make bible education accessible for students from all over the world. We cover a wide range of biblical courses, both in a practical and theoretical level, while building for our learners a solid theoretical background in biblical studies. 

Our partnerships

To offer top quality training and Biblical certifications, we believe it’s key
to partner with the best in industry across faith and education sectors.
World-class team

Meet our Vice Chancellor

Bishop (Prof) M.S. Mphosi (affectionately called "Bishop Mphosi" by church members). He holds a PhD degree in Agricultural Entomology, from North Dakota State University, USA. He works at the University of Limpopo, as a Managing Director of Limpopo Agro-Food Technology Station. He is the presiding Bishop of Jesus Glad Tidings International churches in South Africa, with headquarters in the Limpopo Province. Bishop Mphosi has a passion for mentoring pastors that are known to shake things up wherever they go. He is married to Dithobolong Nancy Mphosi. She holds a B.Ed Hons(Education), B.Com Accounting degree and Postgraduate Certificate in education, from the University of Limpopo. And they have been blessed with 5 beautiful children: Lucas, Martha, Jehoshaphat, Godhears, and ThankGod. See less
Meet our world-class team of instructors
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